10. I Hope So

This has been an interesting week. Being sick with the flu all week has not been easy. It also make it difficult to get some assignments done, such as interviewing an entrepreneur. My original interviewee changed his schedule and could only interview next week, which would mean I couldn't get my assignment done in time, so I had to scramble and change plans. I was able to interview my brother over the phone, which turned out to be a very good experience. 

Here are some highlights from this week's study materials:
"Dream Big Dreams"
Do not underestimate yourself.
If you involve the Lord, you can do the impossible. "It's a whole lot more fun to do great things than to just be good, or to just be mediocre, and it's no harder to be great than it is to be good."

"There is a passion and a joy about creating. It's really great getting a product out in the world and seeing people use it."

20% time: When you spend 20% of your time doing something you're interested in, you can accomplish a great deal. at Google, some ideas were presented to a certain group of students that they were unable to solve and gave them the ability to play with it and think outside the box.

The Challenge to Become - Dallin H. Oaks

What is the final effect of our actions, thoughts, and desires: What we have become?

"What I have, I can easily give you. What I am, you must learn."

The difference between having a testimony and being converted is that to have a testimony is to know and to declare, while to be converted requires us to do and to become.
Do I act on my testimony to become converted? How much of the world have I gotten caught up in?

What we become is an accumulation of right choices and repentance.

Family relationships are the setting in which the most important part of that development occurs.

"God shall consecrate thy performance for thy gain."

Do what is right and do it for the right reason: the pure love of Christ. Charity is a state of being, it is something one becomes.

We must not give up hope. We must not stop striving.

Am I losing my desire to do evil? 

Can ye look up to God with a pure heart and clean hands... having the image of God engraven upon your countenances?
When others see me, do they see Christ?

I hope so. And yes, because devotion to Christ is what I have chosen, others do see it. Now, what happens after people see this representation of Christ in me is another thing. We want and expect other people to see us and respond with praise. But there is also the response of resentment, bitterness and scorn. This kind of response will become more frequent in our lives, as wickedness continues to spread, and as opposition to Christ and His saints increases. When you reflect Christ and are hated, it is because they hate Christ, and love darkness and secret works of wickedness. When you reflect Christ and are loved, it by those who likewise love Christ and see eye to eye and walk in truth and righteousness, adding their light to yours, and yours to theirs. Whatever the response may be, positive or negative, I urge you to clearly understand who's word you value most, and who you prioritize in your life. If you fear and obey God, your countenance will continue to shine, regardless of how that light is received by others. If you fear and obey men (the world), you will be tempted hide your light and to to reflect them, instead of reflecting heaven, and your path will be darkened. 

John Stot (Anglican Priest) "No one ever drifted into holiness"
"Nothing worthwhile just happens." - Jeffrey R. Holland

Dedicated - set apart for a specific purpose. Dedication makes holy.
